Jetstar Flight 385 from Coolangatta to Tullamarine, about an hour in, and 14 songs in to Ian’s April 3rd NSC show. All his many talents and he can’t whistle. Bless him.
It’s been a hell of a weekend. Me and Amy had good times in Vegas, I think I spent about a hundred dollars on new music. Unless you count Mike’s birthday spresent, which cranks it to $140. I got (in chronological order) Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline on RECORD. Which is so much sexier. It’s my fifth copy of that album, I keep destroying or losing them. This one I’ll be extra careful of. Because it’s so HOT. Purr. Then I got... uh, oh yeah, rocking horse. I got I Am Kloot - Natural History, and Supertramp - Retrospectacle (Damn you, Ian). Then we went to HMV and I got Fur Patrol - Collider, which could well be crap, but it was only $5 and I loved Starlifter (which I lost, dammit). Then we went to some other random store and I picked up Wilco - A Ghost is Born with a Special Bonus Disc, and another copy of Bring It On for Mike (he likes it, but skipped T Lady the second time he listened to it. Like a pro.) Then we went to JB and I got him Ca Ira by Roger Waters. He liked me after all that. They have another kid now, and no money for such luxuries as new CDs. It makes me not want kids. Actually, their family in general makes me not want kids. Just for the noise factor, if not for anything else. And the nasty poopy, pissy, spewy stuff. I care not for other people’s by-products. Even my own spawn would be pushing it. And five year olds are just about the least hygenic things in the world. I made a quiet point of washing my hands every time they touched me, which may have been taking it a bit far, but fuck it, I’m allowed to be grossed out if I wanna be. To top it all off, the cat is on again off again diabetic (as well as having dandruff) and had an insulin induced seizure and all her sphincters gave up on her and she soiled herself and surrounding bedstuffs. Nasty stuff.
“Ben wants to see his people”
I have been having good tshirt ideas of late, I’m keen to get sorted in a new flat and gather some screenprinting stuff. And stop watching tv, and start making things in my home time....
Several hours later:
Look what was waiting for me on my doorstep!

Nice stuff, thanks Love Police. xxx
It’s been a hell of a weekend. Me and Amy had good times in Vegas, I think I spent about a hundred dollars on new music. Unless you count Mike’s birthday spresent, which cranks it to $140. I got (in chronological order) Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline on RECORD. Which is so much sexier. It’s my fifth copy of that album, I keep destroying or losing them. This one I’ll be extra careful of. Because it’s so HOT. Purr. Then I got... uh, oh yeah, rocking horse. I got I Am Kloot - Natural History, and Supertramp - Retrospectacle (Damn you, Ian). Then we went to HMV and I got Fur Patrol - Collider, which could well be crap, but it was only $5 and I loved Starlifter (which I lost, dammit). Then we went to some other random store and I picked up Wilco - A Ghost is Born with a Special Bonus Disc, and another copy of Bring It On for Mike (he likes it, but skipped T Lady the second time he listened to it. Like a pro.) Then we went to JB and I got him Ca Ira by Roger Waters. He liked me after all that. They have another kid now, and no money for such luxuries as new CDs. It makes me not want kids. Actually, their family in general makes me not want kids. Just for the noise factor, if not for anything else. And the nasty poopy, pissy, spewy stuff. I care not for other people’s by-products. Even my own spawn would be pushing it. And five year olds are just about the least hygenic things in the world. I made a quiet point of washing my hands every time they touched me, which may have been taking it a bit far, but fuck it, I’m allowed to be grossed out if I wanna be. To top it all off, the cat is on again off again diabetic (as well as having dandruff) and had an insulin induced seizure and all her sphincters gave up on her and she soiled herself and surrounding bedstuffs. Nasty stuff.
“Ben wants to see his people”
I have been having good tshirt ideas of late, I’m keen to get sorted in a new flat and gather some screenprinting stuff. And stop watching tv, and start making things in my home time....
Several hours later:
Look what was waiting for me on my doorstep!

Nice stuff, thanks Love Police. xxx
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