Saturday, August 05, 2006

Proof of Lifestyle

Lordy. I'm at Alysia's watching trash on tv and talking about boys. I want sugar. I'm a bit tired too, and I gotta get up early. Alysia wants olives. Walk to the supermarket? My back hurts. Whinge whinge whinge. I have nothing to whinge about. I have new Chucks to customise (or rather, finish customising). I have started already. I had to get the all black ones for work, with the black soles, so I've sanded the black paint off the eyelets to take them back to silver, and I'm, gonna stitch something on them... not sure what yet. I also got a nice new brown bonds shirt for someone, which is gonna have something stitched on it too... will absolutely take a photo before I pop it in the mail this time. I hope. I am crap at remembering to do that. I was all set to do crafts all weekend, but it looks like I am too much of a flake. Perhaps I will do some tomorrow. I hope so, I got some nice linen to make a skirt with today... must be more productive.

Only 23 days til the brain benefit gig. September is gonna kill me so bad. Whatever happens, it's gonna be weird. Because I'm gonna be 25. I'm getting that crazy 'running out of time' feeling. Good Lord.


Blogger Viola D said...

I hear ya, but panic not. 25 is much more rounded than 24. 24 is overrated. Maybe 25 is like a quarter-life kick in the arse. Perhaps the panic is what makes it so damn good. Or not necessarily good, but you know, a perveyor of change and growth. Sorry. That sounded really, really wanky.

Having said that, I've only been 25 for 23 days, so what the hell do I know.

8:02 PM  

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